Falcon Elite 97
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Career Prep

Written By: Kevil Tice

As you transition from teenager into young adulthood, has it ever crossed your mind that maybe you should ask yourself " What do I want to be when I grow up?" No? Well, trust me; it is not too soon for you to give it some thought. I know, you are young and so busy enjoying these few precious years before you become an adult , but you should definitely develop a plan for after high school graduation. How do you do that? I'm glad you asked.

The first thing you would need to do is examine yourself. You will find that by simply asking yourself a few simple questions. By answering these questions you will find exactly what area you need to focus on in order to develop skills that will go toward a profession most suitable to your capabilities.

  • What types of things do you learn or pick up on easily?
  • What do your friends and family say you are good at?
  • What is your gift?

Once you have the answers, write them down, and you will be on your way to transferring your skills to your dream career.

Along with finding your “gift,” obtaining an education and adjusting your attitude are also important pieces in your career planning puzzle. One of the best investments you can make toward your career future is your education. It is up to you to take advantage of all educational opportunities by not only learning, but also applying what you have learned to everyday situations in life. In addition to that, develop a winning attitude. Get into the habit of thinking positive and not giving up easily. A great attitude will take you a long way, I promise!

While you are writing all of your ideas down and targeting the ideal career for yourself, do not select professions simply because of the salary. Of course, we all want a career that allows us to effectively provide for ourselves as well as our families, but don’t look at just the amount of money a particular profession may offer. Consider longevity and benefits, the work environment, advancement opportunities and whether or not your skills link up with what is required to succeed within that particular position.

There are several templates and other tools on the internet that may be very useful in helping you get your plan down on paper and you can also go to your parents or school counselor for additional help. Now that you have some advice on how to get started, go and plan a wonderful career!




The Falcon Elite Scholarship Committee will join the West Alabama Multicultural Alliance for Career Day on September 10, 2018.

This event will be held on CHS campus from 9am-11am for all Junior and Senior students.

For more information, visit www.westalabamamulticult.com

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