Falcon Elite 97
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Reaching back into our community

Written By: Aires D. Adams

21 years ago the Central Falcons Class of 1997 walked across the stage to begin a new chapter in our lives. For many of us it would be years before we would reunite to reminisce on the good old days. Without knowing what the future held for us we ventured out into the world  with purpose and fueled with dreams of grandeur provided by the awesome teachers and coaches who inspired us to be great. While the road may have gotten bumpy at times I believe that our time at Central prepared us to overcome those obstacles as they arose. From a broken heart to a damaged body the Class of 97 as persevered.

 Now here we are 21 years later with the men approaching their 40s and the women still hanging on to their mid 20s 😂😂 . We have put the 10 and 20 year class reunion in the books and it seems like the 30 year reunion is approaching at light speed. With that being said now is the perfect time for us to leave our mark for others to follow as well as help a student fulfill their dream of attaining an higher education.

Birth of The Falcon Elite Scholarship

The Falcon Elite Scholarship is the vision of Monetia Moore and her desire to give back to our alma mater. She put together a committee to tackle the important tasks to help bring her vision to life. With weeks of work put into the fundamentals and specifics of the scholarship we were able to go live on August 8, 2018. We launched the website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram campaigns without a hiccup. That was a huge milestone for us and the response we have receive has been great, so please feel free to like & follow us on social media.

To elaborate more on the scholarship, it is broken up into 4 categories each with their own requirements. These categories are Excellence in leadership, Excellence in Academics, First Generation and Excellence in Perseverance Award. The purpose for this Scholarship is to ease the financial burden of students pursuing a college education, while providing them with community connections, a support system and a connection with fellow Central High School Alumni. While we are driven to secure a brighter future for our youth and give back to our illustrious alma mater we would love for you to be a contributor and help us reach our goal.

You can read about the requirements here.

The application process opens in January so spread the word we would really appreciate it. 




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